





  上(shang)海國(guo)(guo)鳴投(tou)資管(guan)理(li)有(you)限公(gong)司日(ri)前宣布(bu)參(can)與收(shou)購(gou)(gou)美(mei)國(guo)(guo)媒體巨(ju)擘福布(bu)斯集(ji)團(tuan)。這(zhe)是繼中國(guo)(guo)企業以(yi)(yi)26億美(mei)元并購(gou)(gou)美(mei)國(guo)(guo)AMC 影院公(gong)司之后(hou),另一個令(ling)人矚(zhu)目的重大海外(wai)媒體購(gou)(gou)并案(an)。為了(le)(le)確(que)保交易的完(wan)成,國(guo)(guo)鳴投(tou)資已(yi)經(jing)(jing)以(yi)(yi)鴨子劃(hua)水地(di)完(wan)成了(le)(le)收(shou)購(gou)(gou)戰略布(bu)局,包括(kuo)接觸國(guo)(guo)內(nei)及國(guo)(guo)外(wai)等多家(jia)銀行以(yi)(yi)利境內(nei)的相關監管(guan)規定,并邀(yao)請硅谷著(zhu)名(ming)風(feng)險投(tou)資家(jia)黃梓洋博(bo)士擔(dan)任(ren)美(mei)國(guo)(guo)國(guo)(guo)鳴投(tou)資公(gong)司首(shou)席執(zhi)行官及董事總經(jing)(jing)理(li),以(yi)(yi)利后(hou)續(xu)收(shou)購(gou)(gou)的順利進行。

  New York, Jan 20th, 2014 -- Shanghai GM Investment Management Co., Ltd. ("Shanghai GM Investment" thereafter) has announced its participation in the acquisition of U.S. media giant, the Forbes Media. This can be a second major overseas media acquisition since a successful U.S. $ 2.6 billion AMC Entertainment acquisition deal by the Dalian Wanda Group. To ensure the completion of this transaction, Shanghai GM Investment Management has set up a series of strategic layout plans, including the initiating of the strategic alliance with Chinese domestic foreign banks to work on the relevant governmental regulatory requirements. To further ensure the subsequent acquisitions procedures to run smoothly, Shanghai GM Investment invite Eric Huang, PHD., the well-known venture capitalist from Silicon Valley (U.S.A.), to join its newly established US GM Capital and serve as the CEO and managing director.

  日前國鳴(ming)投資管理(li)有限公司(si)已經(jing)與(yu)多(duo)家(jia)美國知名(ming)的(de)投資銀行(xing)聯繫(xi)并將(jiang)(jiang)進行(xing)委任,以便與(yu)賣方的(de)代(dai)表(biao)德(de)意(yi)志銀行(xing)進行(xing)進一步磋商(shang)(shang)。投行(xing)的(de)選(xuan)擇將(jiang)(jiang)于近日內完成(cheng)。目前國鳴(ming)投資集(ji)團(tuan)已積極(ji)地估算收(shou)(shou)購定(ding)價.價格將(jiang)(jiang)基于之(zhi)前亞馬遜(AMAZON)收(shou)(shou)購知名(ming)報(bao)業華盛頓(dun)郵報(bao)(WASHINGTON POST)及彭博(BLOOMBERG)收(shou)(shou)購商(shang)(shang)業周刊(BUSINESSWEEK)做精準的(de)同業比較。收(shou)(shou)購金(jin)(jin)額(e)包括(kuo)之(zhi)前福(fu)布斯集(ji)團(tuan)向(xiang)ELEVATION PARTNERS私募基金(jin)(jin)公司(si)借款的(de)2.64億美元及后續運營(ying)資金(jin)(jin)。經(jing)過2個(ge)月調研和討論(lun), 國鳴(ming)投資管理(li)有限公司(si)董事會一致(zhi)同意(yi)以3.8億美元現金(jin)(jin)收(shou)(shou)購福(fu)布斯100%股權.

  Shanghai GM Investment Management Limited has been also initiating contact with several well-known U.S. investment banks. It will then appoint one of them to work with the Deutsche Bank, the Forbes representative. The process of selecting the US investment bank will be completed in a few days. In addition, GM Investment has been actively working on the offering price. The offering price of acquisition will be very comparable to the acquisition cost between other similar businesses in the media industry, such as the previous deals of the well-known medias, the deal of Washington Post to Amazon, and the deal of Businessweek to Bloomberg. Shanghai GM Investment announced that the total offering price will include a $264 million payable loan from ELEVATION PARTNERS to Forbes and the subsequent working capital. After two months of research and discussions, the board of Shanghai GM Investment Management Limited has unanimously agreed to a $380 million offering price in cash to acquire 100% of Forbes' equity.


  Shanghai GM Investment has been widely published by China's major finance & business magazines by its excellent company's performance and investment portfolios. According to Mr. Qi Yi, the CEO of Shanghai GM Investment, 100% of the funding of this acquisition will come from GM Investment's own fund. "Also," stated Mr. Qi, "GM Investment guarantees that this acquisition will be the long-term commitment to Forbes and its employees." However, taking consideration of the lengthy progress to receive the approval of the Ministry of Commerce in China, GM investment will incorporate a special purpose company (SPV) to carry out the bank's syndicated loans and financing in order to ensure the successful completion of the acquisition transaction.



  The Asia Society estimates that by 2020, China's overseas investment will reach to one trillion U.S. dollars. Chinese enterprises are in the transitions, taking away the roles of traditional lower-ended manufacturing but looking for higher profits, investments, and business alliances. Chinese enterprises value the international acquisitions based on the acquired companies' brand strength, marketing resources, and research capabilities. Shanghai GM Investment Group projects that this acquisition will assist Forbes to strengthen its current brand name and reputation and will bring more business to China's media market. By the same token, this acquisition will also be the first milestone for GM Investment to step into for the global media acquisition business. In fact, GM Investment believes that Forbes can enter into a new business growth cycle through business alliances with Chinese companies, especially with GM Investment, which has a huge middle-class customer basis along with its strong growing media business. Through this business alliance and acquisition with GM Investment, Forbes can expand its business into China's market, and can expect to receive one billion more subscribers, therefore receiving higher income return worldwide. This acquisition will be a win-win situation.



  Mr. Qin Yi, the president of GM Investment, declared that GM Investment has diversified investment portfolio and years of experiences working with the Chinese government. This made GM Investment the best candidate and more capable to work with Chinese government officials to receive the government approval in the acquisition process and better communications with the relevant governmental agency. Mr. Qin Yi further indicated that GM investment has been well prepared to complete this acquisition, and to make the whole process work successfully based on the past experiences.


  In the past years, GM Investment has made several successful investments in ST securities by restructuring corporations. These well-known investments include, but are not limited to, LETV and Sunning Enterprise. In the long-term plan after the acquisition, as stated by Eric Huang, PHD., GM Investment will focus on Forbes' global layout along with its existing business segments, resources, and marketing channels. Dr. Huang further stated that through this acquisition GM Investment can assist Forbes to apply its current priority web business onto different sectors. For example, through this strategic business alliance, Forbes can strengthen its brand name and expand its business further onto other business sector arenas, including the real estate market, business education, the development for emerging media companies, intelligent machines investment, online medical care system development, network security, and the start-ups in both China and U.S. media companies.

  除此之外,福(fu)(fu)布斯(si)集團旗下的(de)(de)福(fu)(fu)布斯(si)數(shu)位(FORBES DIGITAL)已(yi)經(jing)是美國(guo)第九大財(cai)經(jing)新聞(wen)網站。根據(ju)福(fu)(fu)布斯(si)總裁Mike Perlis表示,今年底前(qian)數(shu)位營收部份尚可(ke)成長達25%。這次的(de)(de)友好收購將使(shi)國(guo)鳴可(ke)以在福(fu)(fu)布斯(si)數(shu)位的(de)(de)平臺之上,加上樂視(shi)網轉型的(de)(de)經(jing)驗,在開放數(shu)據(ju)訊息服務平臺、云數(shu)據(ju)、及移動互聯網等方(fang)面更緊(jin)密的(de)(de)運用。

  Currently, Forbes Digital is the ninth largest U.S. financial website in the digital media sector, with the projected revenue growth rate up 25% by the end of this year. GM Investment believes that through this acquisition, with its solid experiences in the transformation of LETV and through the alliance with Forbes' digital media platform, GM Investment can expand its business operations further and diversify its investments in the sectors including digital informatics services platform, cloud computing, and mobile internet.
